Suddenly GhostGirl
a girl who searched many ways to die.
after she succeeded, she joined the GrimReaper and filled the world with smoke and emptiness.

Suddenly GrimReaper
The Soul reaper.
Together with GhostGirl, GrimReaper unleashed the anger and chaos into the world.

The Ruler of all flowers on earth.
It is said that FloLady is GrimReaper's true lost love.
White TShirt IDR 100.000 or USD 12
Also available in white tank-top (all size) IDR 95.000 or USD 11

illustrated by Skeleton
A creature came from the world of silence. His presence brings fear but his hands never stop making the dark arts.
White TShirt IDR 100.000 or USD 12
Also available in white tank-top (all size) IDR 95.000 or USD 11

illustrated by Ziggy Zdarlight
the local serial killer's soul near the district light.
condemned to wander the earth as a blind dancing dynamite.
White TShirt IDR 100.000 or USD 12
Also available in white tank-top (all size) IDR 95.000 or USD 11

Suddenly Kuya
GhostGirl's most loyal companion, who died together with its master.

A Ghost who once was a mother that lost her child.
she is depicted as a woman who has a white long bloody dress with long black hair.
White TShirt IDR 100.000 or USD12
Also available in white tank-top (all size) IDR 95.000 or USD 11

A ghost who once was a fairy.
In Ireland, the Banshee, is said to be wailing and crying when members of certain families are about to die. The wail of the Banshee is a peculiar mournful sound that resembles the melancholy sound of the hollow wind.
White TShirt IDR 100.000 or USD 12
Also available in white tank-top (all size) IDR 95.000 or USD 11

Suddenly Hopping Ghost
The undecayed corpse whose main soul, the PO, has not yet left for the other world. If they inhabited a corpse, they would move about and hop. They are armed with long, long fingernails that can tear things apart. They sleep in the coffins or graves and fear the sunlight with strong YANG energy.

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