April 7, 2012


R.I.P Our Kunyin
the Krazy Killer Kat.... 
2007 - 2012

Kunyin was a fat mischief maker! He was a big inspiration to Smokie and Grim!

He was a food-lover, and he could actually said "kiiillll" and "mauuuu".
He was fluffy and evil, but also loveable.
He followed Smokie's Mom from the market when he was just a kitten.
Smokie & her Mom immediately fell in love with this cute cat, they decided to adopt him.
But not long after that, they realized that Kunyin was actually Damien in a form of cat!
Made him perfect as Smokie's pet!

we love you Kunyin! We'll miss you
See you in hell, boy! :((((

April 4, 2012


Ciptakan hantu-mu sendiri!
Tuangkan hantu ciptaanmu ke dalam gambar, tulisan pendek
bahkan foto! Ingat, hantu apa saja, asalkan kreasimu sendiri!

Pemenang Ghost Master 2012 dapat memilih satu t-shirt favorit dari semua koleksi Suddenly (tidak termasuk yang sudah sold out atau customdesign) satu tas, satu t-shirt eksklusif Ghost Master 2012 dan satu buku Unhidden Realm

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- kirimkan deskripsi hantu-mu dalam bentuk tulisan pendek, gambar, foto, apa saja ke ghostgirl.grim@gmail.com (foto atau gambar harus dalam format jpeg maksimum 1 MB).
Jangan lupa beri nama hantu-mu!

- Karyamu harus original.

Hantu-mu harus masuk inbox Suddenly sebelum 13 April 2012.

Pemenang akan diumumkan tanggal 26 April 2011

Suddenly Ghost Master 2012 is haunted by Inabizz & Unhidden Realm