September 4, 2013

Suddenly and StroberiHITAM Dark Giveaway

Hell-o, darklings and fiends!
we're reaching another Friday the 13th! to celebrate it, 
stroberiHITAM and Suddenly Sudden is having a giveaway! 

why, of course to help you haunt til this Halloween! 
and the next Halloween, and the next, and the next too!

and all you have to do to be the contestants of the giveaway:
1. please follow our blogs:

2. our twitters:
‏@suddenly_sudden and @stroberiHITAM

3. our facebook pages:

4. favoriting our etsy shops (optional, if you have an etsy account):
- and then share + favoriting your truly favorited item on our etsy shops.

5. and of course, share this note! and left a comment on to state that you've done everything 
stated above and obviously to be on the contestant list.

for these treasures can be yours:
Skulls and roses envelope clutch by stroberiHITAM

 Woddy skeleton wrap bracelet by stroberiHITAM

 Snakey tote bag by Suddenly Sudden

Kraken pendant by Suddenly Sudden

There will be four winners, and we do SHIP INTERNATIONALLY, so anyone can join the giveaway!

Your time will up at 9PM on Friday the 13th (Eastern time), and winners will be announced on the next day (Saturday, Sept 14th) - after Freddy get a bit calmed.

see you when we see you!